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Governing Council

All parents/caregivers are welcome to nominate to be a part of Governing Council at Happy Valley Primary School.

Our Annual General Meeting is held in February each year.

Governing Council meetings are held twice a term, usually on the third and eighth Monday.

The number of parents on council must constitute a majority.  In addition to elected parents, a council shall also have as members the Principal of the school (ex officio), representatives of the school staff.

Office bearers are elected for a one year term from members of the Council at the first meeting following the Annual General Meeting.  Positions include Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.

The Governing Council monitors the site operations and progress towards the broad directions set and the targets of the Site Learning Plan.  This is done at each governing council meeting where the principal and treasurer provide information and data as a part of their reports against the plans, priorities and budget.  A summary of these forms the basis of the Annual Report.

Listed below are our current Governing Council Members and their roles:

Paul Taylor - Principal (ex officio)

Lesia Phillips - Deputy Principal (Acting)

Kelly Caddle - Chairperson

Michael Field - Deputy Chairperson

Jane Rymell - Secretary

Sarah Lloyd - Treasurer

Lauren Ash - Member

Donna Backo - Member

Karla Brown - Member

Vanessa Chaptini - Teacher Representative

Laura Edney - Member

Kim Missen - Member

Wendy Nicolle - Community Member

Krystal Raymond - Member

Skye Taylor - Member

Annual Report
Context Statement
Site Improvement Plan
School History

Happy Valley Primary School has a very long history.

In 1852 there was a Happy Valley School but the exact location has not been determined.

In 1896 Happy Valley School was closed because of the Happy Valley Reservoir being built.

The original site is now covered by water.

A new school was opened in 1898.  During the next 60 -70 years Happy Valley was a small country school, but it was obvious that urban development would occur.

In 1968 the Education Department purchased eleven acres in anticipation of this growth.

The original school is now Chandlers Hill Kindergarten.

In 1980 a new building was built to the west of Education Road. Enrolments continued to grow and peaked in 1991.

During 1986 it was decided to establish a Junior Primary School which worked with the Primary School.

In 1998 the School celebrated its Centenary.

In 2013 the two schools amalgamated to form Happy Valley Primary School.

External School Review Report May 2021